Grizz Travels

Roaming North America

Weathering a Storm while Camping in your RV

When embarking on an RV adventure, it's essential to be prepared for all scenarios, including inclement weather. Here are some tips to ensure safety and comfort while camping in your RV during a storm:

Stay Informed

  • Weather Apps: Download reliable weather apps like NOAA Weather Radar or Weather Underground to get real-time updates and storm alerts.
  • Weather Radio: Consider purchasing a battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio. It works even if cell towers are down.

Choose Your Campsite Wisely

  • Avoid Low-Lying Areas: These areas can quickly become flooded during heavy rains.
  • Watch for Trees: While trees provide shade and ambiance, they can become hazards in high winds. Try to park away from dead or unstable trees and branches.

Secure Your RV

  • Stabilize: Ensure that your stabilizer jacks are down to reduce rocking.
  • Retract: Pull in your awning, slide-outs, and secure any loose items outside your RV.
  • Tie Down: If you've set up a campsite outside, make sure to tie down anything that might get picked up by the wind, or better yet, store them inside your RV.

Prepare for Power Outages

  • Charge Up: Make sure phones, radios, and other devices are fully charged if a storm is on the horizon.
  • Backup Power: Consider investing in a good quality generator or solar panels for backup power.
  • Conserve Battery: Turn off unnecessary lights and appliances to save RV battery life.

Stay Inside

Lightning, hail, and high winds make it dangerous to be outside. Stay inside your RV until you're certain the storm has passed.
Avoid touching electrical equipment or the walls of the RV during a lightning storm.


In heavy rain, your RV might get stuffy. Ensure you have some way of getting fresh air without letting in the rain, like slightly opening a roof vent.

Emergency Kit

Always have an emergency kit stocked with essentials like bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights, extra batteries, first-aid supplies, and important documents.

Know Your Escape Route

In case the storm becomes too severe or if there's flooding, you should know the quickest and safest way out of your camping spot.

Familiarize yourself with local emergency shelters or safer ground in case you need to evacuate.

Stay Calm and Distracted

Carry board games, books, or movies to keep everyone calm and occupied during the storm.

Remember, RVs are pretty sturdy, but they're not storm shelters. If the weather is predicted to be extremely severe (like a hurricane or tornado), consider seeking more substantial shelter.

Post-Storm Inspection

Once it's safe, inspect your RV for any damages. Check for water leaks, damage to the awning, or any other issues that might need addressing.

In conclusion, camping in an RV offers a unique blend of nature and comfort, but it's essential to be prepared for all eventualities. By staying informed, securing your campsite, and having emergency provisions in place, you can enjoy your RV adventure come rain or shine. Safe travels!